Song for a White Wave

Song for a White Wave

...And so the rushing tide takes me out
and mingles me with the sea
back to the womb of wombs, I dissolve
Sandpipers cry, and frantic, run the beach
I hear only saline waves
and calmly dissipate

Into that sea which is your heart
I gladly tumble on the rocks
and give to you the secrets laid bare beneath my sands
All the brine and fragrant air
vital breath of life
I drink as if a broth, and am revived

How I love the thrashing surf
and starlit glinting sand,
every tangled driftwood given to the shore,
every scalloped shell that alights upon my eye
filigreed and etched by tide and time
- your gifts of endless life abiding

Taking each enameled shell that fancy strikes
immersed into the wash that is my heart
I hold them to the lucent sun
and gaze upon the hues revealed in deep pearlescent scape
then leave them back upon the beach
that it may remain as I so love

I will wade into the warming sea
and feel you lapping at my sides
gently slip into your depths, and swim then at such leisure
I will give myself to every course and current
trusting you to set me back
tenderly upon the shore

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